Did you know?
Monday, 3/21, was the 120th day of school. We are ⅔ of the way through this school year, and 120 days smarter! On the 100th day of school–which also happened to fall on Valentine’s Day this year–I took some time to look at our attendance stats so far this year.
As of the 100th day:
The majority of South students had missed less than 3 days of school
2 out of 5 Bulldogs had only missed 1 DAY or have perfect attendance
25% of South students had not missed a single school day this year!
As of Monday–the 120th school day–1 in 5 students still has perfect attendance this school year!
These statistics do not count absences due to COVID infection/quarantine, or any excused by a medical note. If you have unexcused absences, you can send a doctor’s note to your homeroom teacher or your doctor’s office can fax it to our school nurses at 781-356-0657. Notes from a parent/guardian/caregiver let us know that the absence is authorized (not truant) but cannot excuse absence from school.
If you need help supporting your child(ren) in attending school, you don’t have to go it alone! Contact your child’s guidance counselor for help.
The Quincy Family Resource Center also offers support through:
ATTENDS program for parents (“Absenteeism & Truancy Training to Engage, Nurture, and Develop Success”). Call 617-481-7227, ext. 141 for more information or to register.
LEADS program for students (“Learning Everyday ApplieD Skills for Success”) to help them develop positive skills that will foster participation. Call 617-481-7227, ext. 193 for more information or to register.
The INTERFACE Referral Service is available to help all Braintree residents connect with mental health supports, whether for your school-aged children or for adults. You can find additional information about mental health topics like anxiety, depression, addiction, divorce, etc. on their website: https://interface.williamjames.edu/community/braintree
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