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March 10 Woof

South Construction

Work is progressing quickly on the new South building with site blasting going on. All blasting is done underground, with the dirt and rocks left mostly in place to contain the shockwaves and huge mats laid over the top of the site to further dampen the sound. A few times a day, we will hear 3 horns go off, which the students have learned means there will be a blast in five minutes. Then, two horns blow a 1-minute warning, and then there's a boom and we can often feel the building shake. The kids (and teachers) like when they have a view of the dust cloud kicked up from the rubber mats!  Most of the blasting is being done at the rear of our lot to make space for the new Gymnasium complex, but there will also be limited blasting closer to the existing school building as the crews prepare the site for foundations to be built. Today, around 1:30, we had our first nearby blast, and it was a big one! Even if I've heard the horns, it always surprises me when the dynamite finally goes off. We're not able to interrupt classes every time there's going to be a blast, but the students and staff have been very flexible and understanding that the current distractions will have a big payoff soon. Blasting will continue for the next couple of weeks, and we'll even start seeing some concrete foundations being poured soon (if the weather cooperates).

Decisions, decisions
Speaking of kids' flexibility, we really appreciate how respectful everybody has been of their classmates' decisions to wear a mask or not since the mandate was lifted in schools. Respect for each other is a core value at South! In this tweet, our friend and trusted guide Phyllis Fagell reminds us that it can be challenging to know if you're making the right decision from day-to-day and hour-to-hour, and openness to change is a muscle worth working.

Spring Musical
Rehearsals have begun for cast and ensemble for this year's spring musical. South will be presenting a jukebox musical on June 10th and 11th with a range of opportunities for students to participate. If your child missed auditions but wants to participate, tell them to keep an ear out in the morning announcements for opportunities to join the Tech Crew. We are thrilled to have music ringing through the halls in the afternoon again.

Breakfast is Served
Did you know, in addition to a daily school lunch, students are entitled to a daily breakfast from our cafeteria? Breakfast is served daily from 7:45-10:30 AM, so students can grab a bite before homeroom or ask to get a breakfast during the first 3 periods of the day. Stay well-fed & stay healthy!


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