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South Cinco - Thurs 4/11

  (1.) South PTO meets tonight at 7pm in the Media Center. Agenda is attached. See you there! (2.) Report cards will be sent home tomorrow. Please sign and return one copy after the break. (3.) If any student in grades 5, 6, or 7 is  not  expecting to return to South in September, please let your Guidance Counselor or the Main Office know. With Course Selection Sheets being returned, we are starting to plan for classes and schedules next year, so we want to plan accordingly. Guidance will also help with the transfer of materials to your new school. If you are returning to South but have moved or changed addresses, please let the Main Office know so our records will be up-to-date. (4.) Please check Lost & Found before leaving for April Break tomorrow! Unclaimed items will be donated to charity or discarded. (5.) Gently used eclipse glasses can be delivered to homeroom (or the Main Office)  by Friday  to be donated for use in the global south (whose partial eclipse is on 10/2/24, des

Bulldog Bulletin - Eclipse Edition!

  Students will all be receiving a pair of solar eclipse glasses at the end of the day, thanks to your South PTO. We will share information about the solar eclipse with students, as well as safety information. See more information below, and  feel free to watch this introductory video  to better understand what's going on! From the K-12 Director of Science: A solar eclipse will occur today, Monday, April 8th, and Massachusetts is in the path of the eclipse. Although Braintree will not view 100% coverage to see totality, it will have about 92% coverage at peak.  The eclipse will begin to be visible around 2:15pm, peak around 3:30pm, and end around 4:40pm.  This is exciting but it is also important to make sure everyone is  safely  viewing the eclipse if they choose to do so. Specific solar eclipse glasses must be worn to protect one’s vision throughout the duration of the eclipse.  Thanks to additional funding from several school PTOs, the science department purchased solar eclipse

Bulldog Bulletin - Week of April 1st

There will be no Homework Lab today or afterschool help, due to our April Staff Meeting. Play rehearsal will go on as scheduled, and we return to the regular afterschool schedule tomorrow. April's PTO meeting will be held on Thursday, 4/11, starting at 7pm in the South Media Center. (Please note: this is a change from the previously posted date.) Agenda will be sent next week. The April Calendar raffle is underway! Students can continue to sell tickets and submit them along with payment to the Main Office or your homeroom teacher. The sooner you get tickets into the raffle, the more chances you'll have to win! MCAS testing starts this week and continues for the next 2 months. See full schedule: 8th grade parents who missed the Informational Night at Braintree High a few weeks ago: the slideshow is linked here. Term 3 ends this Friday, 4/5 . Make sure all work is up to date and let your teachers know if anything doesn't appear to line up in Aspen. Report cards will be sent h

Current events - Three from South

(1.)  Tonight is the night!  Trivia Night begins at 6 this evening.  All teams should be in the cafeteria  at 5:45pm !  Don't forget to wear your team costume & bring some spending money for snacks (small bills, please!) We'll be selling pizza for $2 and snacks & drinks for $1. It is going to be a blast, so get excited & make sure your brain is ready for some creative trivia challenges! (2.) Project 351 is a statewide service & leadership program. This year, 8th grader Dori Litzinger is South's ambassador to Project 351 and she is working with her colleague at East Middle to run a townwide clothing drive for Cradles to Crayons.  New or lightly used clothing donations can be dropped off in the South front lobby through April 5th.  Thank you for supporting children in our region and our 8th grade leaders! (3.)  South PTO has organized the annual April Calendar raffle. Purchase tickets for $5 each, 3 for $12, or 6 for $20. You can print the attached ticket shee

Bulldog Bulletin - 3/4/2024 - The Week Ahead

We've got a busy week at South and we're already looking ahead to the beginning of Daylight Savings Time next weekend and the many sleepy faces that will be greeting us next Monday!  Next Sunday also marks the beginning of Ramadan, a busy month for many of our students! SUPER TUESDAY Tomorrow is Primary Day and precinct voting will be taking place in our large gym. PE classes will be held in the small gym for the day and voters will be directed to the Gym Entrance so the school day will be able to proceed as normal. SOUTH PTO The next meeting of the South PTO will be tomorrow evening at 7pm in the Media Center. The agenda is below & we hope to see you all there! MIDTERM 3 Tuesday, 3/5 is also the midpoint for term 3. Students should check their grades on Aspen and see their teachers about any missing work or makeups. Teachers will update all grades in Aspen by Tuesday, 3/12. CALCULUS PROJECT The Braintree Public Schools are a proud member of  The Calculus Project  Consortiu

South school dance this Friday!

This Friday, March 1st, South's Student Council and the South PTO will be hosting two dances. The 5th and 6th grade dance will be from 4:00-6:00pm and the 7th and 8th grade dance will be from 6:30-8:30pm.  The theme of the dance is "Hollywood" and entertainment will be provided by DJ Bubba. Light snacks will also be sold by the PTO. Dress is casual and t he dance is for South students only.  Tickets are $5 each and  t omorrow  is the last day to buy tickets for the dance in advance, before school or during lunch!  Tickets will also be available at the door .  Please see Mrs. Norris, Mrs. Pyliotis, or a Student Council member with questions! Finally, I just have to say it, because we've gotten questions... For those who have not gone to a middle school dance before: most students "go dutch" to the dance & arrive alone or with friends, so don't expect to bring a date! There will only be light snacks available, so make sure to plan your dinner accordin

Two important dates for 8th grade

The Braintree High School programming orientation for parents/guardians concerning grade nine courses and leveling will be held in the Braintree High School auditorium on Thursday, February 29th at 6:30 PM. Anthony Garofalo, Director of Guidance, will review key aspects of the Program of Studies and the course selection process. Please bring your child's yellow "grade nine course selection sheet" to this program.  Also,  BHS is hosting a tournament game for girls basketball at the same time that night, so traffic in the parking lot may be backed to arrive on the early side. Unless we get any more snow days or other unexpected school closures, the last day of school will be Tuesday, 6/18. South's grade 8 Appreciation Ceremony is currently scheduled for Thursday, 6/13 at 6pm. This ceremony is for all 8th grade students and their loved ones and runs about an hour. Afterwards, 8th graders  ( students  only)  will enjoy a Dinner-Dance until 9pm to make some of

Bulldog Bulletin - 2/7/2024

Thank you to everyone who contributed to last week's fundraiser for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital ! Ms. Mac blew her previous record out of the water with the Student Council's support, raising over $3,200. It was great to see everyone enjoying a comfy, cozy PJ day for a great cause. The February meeting of the South PTO will be held this Thursday, 2/8, at 7pm in the South Media Center. Join us! Mark your calendar: PTO's next Dine Out fundraiser is March 11th at Chili's. That's the early release day, so plan a fun outing & take the night off from cooking! South's 10th Annual Trivia Night will be held on Wednesday, March 27th, 6:00-8:30pm. Trivia Night is a fun-filled educational evening for all grades at South, packed with prizes, gratuitous displays of knowledge, and pure entertainment! Pizza, snacks, and drinks will be on sale as well. Students can form teams of 3-4 South students plus one adult "coach" (a parent, teacher, commu

Two-fer Tuesday

(1.) Tomorrow is the Middle School Basketball Jamboree at Braintree High. South Boys will play East at 3:30pm and South Girls will play East at 4:45pm. Admission is $3 for students and $5 for adults, payable at the door. Concessions will also be available.  All students are encouraged to wear Red & White on Wednesday to show their school spirit as we cheer our basketball teams to victory in the Jamboree! (2.)  Term 2 / Semester 1 grades close on Thursday, 1/25.  Semester 2 schedules begin on Friday, 1/26.   Teachers will wrap up grading & score any makeup work over the next week, so please make sure everything looks right on Aspen. Students should make a plan with their teachers if there are any missing assignments, make-ups, or retakes available. Report cards will be sent home at the end of next week.

Bulldog Bulletin - South Cinco!

January is always a busy time in the life of a middle school. It's a long month and everyone's spending more time indoors, so teachers find they can really get into a lot of material in these weeks. It's important to stay healthy and try to stay caught up on all classwork so nobody falls behind! To that end, we're hearing a lot of sniffles and coughs in classrooms and teachers are desperate for supplies for healthy classrooms.  (1.)  Please consider sending your child in with a box of tissues for the classroom. ( Older grades are running  very  low on tissues right now, possibly because teens simply will  not  be seen carrying the boxes in??)  You can order online and have them shipped straight to us at 220 Peach St, Braintree, MA 02184 from your wholesale club of choice  or use our  Amazon wishlist  to make it easy!  If you can, add a note for which student or teacher/s they should go to. Any without a name will go to the Nurses, who need tissues, too!  (2.) This Wedne