Two days till Break... but who's counting?! South's Spirit of Giving The South Student Council conducted a community service project over the past month, collecting nonperishable foods and household supplies for the Braintree Food Pantry in our semi-annual Giving Race. South students collected 439 discreet items and sorted them by grade to see who could raise the most donations. 6th grade took first place with 154 items; 5th grade was a close second with 135 items; 8th grade came in third place with 100 items; and, 7th grade rounded out the race with 50 items donated. Thank you all for supporting your Braintree community! The 6th grade will be rewardedwith an ice cream ticket at lunch in the new year! Spirit Week The festive atmosphere has been high all week with the Student Council Spirit Week keeping us all jolly & bright! Tomorrow is Ugly Sweater Day and every Bulldog is encouraged to bring in a dollar or more to donate to Marisa's Mission. It's a fun way to wrap...
News, announcements, and upcoming events for the South Middle School community in Braintree.