Two days till Break... but who's counting?!
South's Spirit of Giving
The South Student Council conducted a community service project over the past month, collecting nonperishable foods and household supplies for the Braintree Food Pantry in our semi-annual Giving Race. South students collected 439 discreet items and sorted them by grade to see who could raise the most donations. 6th grade took first place with 154 items; 5th grade was a close second with 135 items; 8th grade came in third place with 100 items; and, 7th grade rounded out the race with 50 items donated. Thank you all for supporting your Braintree community! The 6th grade will be rewardedwith an ice cream ticket at lunch in the new year!
Spirit Week
The festive atmosphere has been high all week with the Student Council Spirit Week keeping us all jolly & bright! Tomorrow is Ugly Sweater Day and every Bulldog is encouraged to bring in a dollar or more to donate to Marisa's Mission. It's a fun way to wrap up a busy week before the Break!
Order your yearbook before the end of the day on Friday to secure the best price at $30! Prices will increase from 12/23 on. All yearbooks will be delivered at the end of the school year in June. We only order a handful of "extra" copies for purchase in June, and they go quickly on a first-come first-served basis, so if you want a yearbook to commemorate the school year, your best bet is to order it today. You won't be disappointed!
Midterm 2
Before we head into vacation mode, last Friday was the midterm for term 2. Teachers & students have had this week to make up any missing work, complete eligible retakes, and update averages. As of tomorrow at the latest, Aspen will reflect students' current grades in all classes. If you have any questions about what you see, please contact the teacher for more information, or your child's Guidance Counselor if you have generalized concerns.
Warm wishes
We hope that everyone has a peaceful and restful break after the 2:25 bell tomorrow. The calendar over the past several weeks and coming days is highlighted by a variety of holidays & traditions that bring families and communities together. We hope the week off from the pressures of daily routine provides opportunities for all members of our Bulldog community to gather with family & friends, to reflect on recent gatherings and the people we value in our lives, and to reach out and share "season's greetings" with those with whom you may not have had a chance to meet up yet. There are so many role models and deeply influential folks in the lives of our students, helping forge who they are and will become; this is a time to connect, reconnect, or celebrate those loved ones, as we turn our minds to new year's resolutions for 2024.
With all best wishes, and glad tidings until the New Year,
Damon Rainie
Before we head into vacation mode, last Friday was the midterm for term 2. Teachers & students have had this week to make up any missing work, complete eligible retakes, and update averages. As of tomorrow at the latest, Aspen will reflect students' current grades in all classes. If you have any questions about what you see, please contact the teacher for more information, or your child's Guidance Counselor if you have generalized concerns.
Warm wishes
We hope that everyone has a peaceful and restful break after the 2:25 bell tomorrow. The calendar over the past several weeks and coming days is highlighted by a variety of holidays & traditions that bring families and communities together. We hope the week off from the pressures of daily routine provides opportunities for all members of our Bulldog community to gather with family & friends, to reflect on recent gatherings and the people we value in our lives, and to reach out and share "season's greetings" with those with whom you may not have had a chance to meet up yet. There are so many role models and deeply influential folks in the lives of our students, helping forge who they are and will become; this is a time to connect, reconnect, or celebrate those loved ones, as we turn our minds to new year's resolutions for 2024.
With all best wishes, and glad tidings until the New Year,
Damon Rainie
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