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Rules We Live By

With the return of springtime weather, it's a good opportunity to revisit some of the school rules, to ensure everyone has the opportunity to enjoy those sunny afternoons and the team days, field trips, and recess blocks without having to worry about any behavior mishaps.

(1.) DRESS CODE - Warm temperatures are predicted for the end of this week. Please take some time to review the Braintree Middle Schools' Dress Code with your child (PDF attached). Some of these expectations are a bit outdated (and, in some cases, hard to shop for!) so the general rule around here is: shorts/skirts/dresses have to be "long enough" to not be revealing. This is particularly tricky in the spring, when kids have grown more than they think, so make sure to try on those outfits the night before, so you're not scrambling in the morning if something turns out to be too tight, too short, etc. The golden rule for school attire is that clothing should cover the things that are supposed to be covered, but don't cover your eyes and ears, so we can be assured that everyone is tuned in! 

(2.) BUS PASSES - We have seen an increase in students riding their friends' buses home. This is not allowed, as the driver needs to know who is on their bus to ensure everyone's safety. According to the Transportation Policy, all bus students are required to carry a bus pass, and to ride their assigned bus only. The drivers often know their kids, but there's always the chance that a substitute driver could be on the route. If you need a replacement bus pass, come to the office in the morning. All drivers have been encouraged to do "spot checks" of bus passes over the next week or two, so be prepared!

(3.) HALL PASSES - Students should spend their school time in class. In an emergency, they can ask permission to go to the bathroom, nurses, their locker, etc. but this should be a rare occasion. Students need to sign out (and sign back in) and must carry a hall pass with them, so staff know they have permission to be out of the classroom. Wandering in the hallways can be an escape from some tasks, but it is not a productive habit and isn't particularly healthy, so we're trying to reduce the amount of time some students are spending out of class.

(4.) CELL PHONES - Cell phones are not allowed to be used in school, and teachers can confiscate phones if they're seen on, whether or not the student is using the phone. Students are not allowed to take photos/videos of other students without permission. These guidelines apply to smart watches, too! I've mentioned in earlier posts how important it is for young people to have the opportunity to "unplug" from the distractions of constant connectivity. If students need to contact home, they can ask to use the phone in the classroom or in the Main Office.

(5.) BULLYING PREVENTION - School ought to be a safe place for all students. If anyone is experiencing bullying or has witnessed it, they are expected to report it to the teacher, guidance, or administration, so the behavior can be stopped. The Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy is viewable online, and later this month the schools will be implementing an online "tip line" for reporting inappropriate behavior. This tip line is being set up by the Sandy Hook Promise organization in collaboration with Braintree Public Schools, Braintree Police, and the Town of Braintree, to promote safe and supportive schools. More information to follow! It is the responsibility of everyone to protect each other and to make every day great by treating others as you would want to be treated.

Thank you for supporting our school rules. You can review the full student Handbook here. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us!


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