Tomorrow is Playoff Day! The Community Service Club invites all students to wear Celtics or Bruins gear to show your spirit for our Boston teams as they head into a busy weekend, and donate $1-$5 for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, in honor of Memorial Day.
Teacher Appreciation Week continued today with South PTO's jukebox theme: today was Def Leppard, "Pour Some Sugar On Me"! Teachers were greeted by buckets and buckets of candy and a cake donated from Montillio's! On top of that, the Cobbetts sent in Cinco de Mayo inspired snacks for "Nacho Average Teachers" and the Riley family sent another round of pizzas! South's teachers are feeling the love!Thank you to everyone who supported South PTO at the Chateau dine-out fundraiser yesterday. Over $330 was raised to support PTO projects. The April Calendar Raffle wrapped up last week, and congratulations to all our winners. Over $1,400 was raised by the PTO Calendar Raffle. Thank you to all the families and businesses supporting South!
Throwback Thursday to last week and the fabulous Trivia Night Mr. Sturtevant organized. Congratulations to all the teams who competed, and shout-out to the winning teams in each grade: 4 Guys On A Scooter (gr. 6); The Rappers (gr. 7); and, Cam's Pants (gr. 8). Special shout-out to the South alumni who organized stations, researched & wrote the trivia questions and challenges, and formed an Alumni Team to compete. Great competition, good sportsmanship, and some good clean fun!
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