We're all adjusting to the end of Daylight Savings, answering that age-old question: What's more fun than an emotional, hormonal adolescent? Answer: One whose circadian sleep rhythms are all thrown off! There aren't many positives about moving the clocks, except in the fall it can be a good opportunity to establish better "wind down" routines. Your child will be feeling sleepy earlier in the evening, so this is a perfect time to talk about wrapping up homework 1 hour (or at least 30 minutes) before bed, shutting off computer/tablet/phone screens 1/2 hour before bed, and reading for 15-20 minutes before lights out. This will pay off dividends with a calmer morning wake-up if they've gotten more quality sleep overnight! At the very least, please make this the week when you tell your child no cell phones in the bedroom overnight. Set up a charging station in the kitchen or entry area and tell your family that cell phones don't belong in the bedroom. Screens delay bedtime and disrupt deep sleep overnight by lighting up and chirping! The disciplinarians at school send our infinite gratitude to every parent who already keeps devices out of their children's bedrooms!
South held a mock presidential election to line up with yesterday's national election. Our 8th grade students researched candidates' platforms and created persuasive posters. These were then hung in the main corridor for students from the younger grades to educate themselves about the candidates' policy arguments, so they could make an informed decision in the online election. This was a great lesson in research, persuasive writing, and responsible civic participation!
Vote participation was about 78%. America could only dream of that level of turnout in the general election, but our hope is that civics projects like this mock election will inspire the younger generation's participation as they grow up and take on the responsibilities of our democratic republic.
Tomorrow after school there will be an informational meeting for any 7th or 8th grade boy or girl interested in trying out for South Basketball. Tryouts will be the first week in December, and athletes should make certain they've completed the Baseline testing with Kara Hines, Braintree's Athletic Trainer, before they are eligible to compete.
South's Annual Trivia Night is 11/21, 6-8pm. Students can form teams of up to 5 classmates (all from the same grade) with an adult coach. Your adult can be a household member over 18, a teacher or another member of the South staff, etc. Team spirit is key, so you'll want to choose your team--and costume--wisely! Registration is $20 per team to raise money for 8th grade DC Trip scholarships. See Mr. T (taylor.sturtevant@braintreeschools.org) with any questions.
Term 1 ends tomorrow. Teachers will be finalizing grades and posting them on Aspen. Report cards will go home at the end of next week.
Don't forget to order your South Spirit Wear by 11/14! South Spirit Wear Online Store Payment supports the South PTO and deliveries will arrive well before the holidays.
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