In the coming weeks, I'll send out messages a couple times per week, each with just a few notes covering different aspects of life at South. The hope is that I won't overwhelm everyone by sending too much at once, but hopefully will be giving you information you'll need, and can refer back to later as needed.
We have enjoyed getting to know our new students and marvelling at the growth and maturity our returning students are showing after just a few months away! Hopefully students are getting familiar with their new lock combinations, have all the supplies they'll need for their new classes, and completed all their homework--including summer assignments!--to start the school week off on the right foot! An essential Sunday routine is this: make sure your chromebook is charged up tonight and ready to go in the morning!
Tomorrow, Monday 9/9, is a Day 4 at South. This means students will have all their major subject classes and will meet their new half-cycle teachers for the first time. You might want to review your child's schedule with them tonight, and ask them to notice which 2 classes will be different on Days 4, 5, and 6, and which 5 classes will be the same.
Here are THREE things folks are talking about this week:
- PTO Kickoff meeting will be held in the South Media Center on Tuesday, 9/10, starting at 7:00 PM. We hope to see you all there!
- Some folks were asking if they could still register for a bus or if it's too late. Spots are not guaranteed, but eligible families can still register online to request a seat on the bus. From the District: Eligible BPS families are required to complete the Online Bus Registration Form through our Family Connection Portal. This Quick Reference Guide will help walk you through the process. Your spot is not guaranteed until after payment is received.
- If you're on social media, you can follow South too! We're @smsbraintree on Twitter, Instagram, and Threads. Prior ParentSquare posts are archived on our blog: The Bulldog's Woof.
Ending with a moment of Bulldog pride. On Saturday, our own Ms. Elisabeth Evans was honored at Fenway Park as a Boston Red Sox Most Valuable Educator! Ms. Evans was nominated by her students, who brought her to the ballpark to be honored before thousands of adoring fans. Way to go, Ms. Evans!
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