Sunday is the autumnal equinox, when the sun is directly over the equator and we'll experience equal amounts of day and night. With this astronomical milestone, we also have countless cultural signs that fall has fallen, not the least of which is the beginning of South's fall activities! Extracurriculars might not hold the same caché as pumpkin spice, but they provide great opportunities for students to explore their interests, discover new passions, and get to know new people. There will be more clubs forming in the next few weeks, so keep your eyes out for activities that might be of interest. See some important dates below.
Next Thursday, 9/26 is the first Early Dismissal Day. Middle School dismissal is at 11:45 AM. Students will follow a shortened block schedule, so they will see all their Day 5 classes on that day. Students may order a Grab-N-Go lunch and pick it up in the Main Office at dismissal; breakfast will be served as normal.
A lot of students walk down to the Papa Gino's to grab lunch with their friends and enjoy the long afternoon. Please tell them you're supporting the South PTO and help earn cash to pay for field trips, in-school assemblies, and teachers' supplies! Families, order dinner from Papa Gino's that night for South PTO, too!
Students who normally take a bus home will have the option to take the Late Bus if they decide to stay after school, Monday-Thursday. The Late Bus leaves South around 3:30 PM and will ask each rider their address. It isn't the regular bus and won't go directly to every house, but it's one of our regular drivers so they know their way around town and will get kids close to their regular stop so they can get home safely. Students will need to show their regular bus pass and a pass to get on the Late Bus. Late Bus starts on Monday, 9/30.
The Homework Lab will meet daily in rooms 1094 & 1095. Students may come down after dismissal to work on their homework, complete group work, or get a little extra help. HW Lab is staffed by South paraprofessional staff, so they have a good sense of the curriculum and what teachers are looking for, so they can be a great help to the students who may have questions or need to check in and make sure they're on the right track! HW Lab starts on Monday, 9/30.
Mark your calendars!
Students who normally take a bus home will have the option to take the Late Bus if they decide to stay after school, Monday-Thursday. The Late Bus leaves South around 3:30 PM and will ask each rider their address. It isn't the regular bus and won't go directly to every house, but it's one of our regular drivers so they know their way around town and will get kids close to their regular stop so they can get home safely. Students will need to show their regular bus pass and a pass to get on the Late Bus. Late Bus starts on Monday, 9/30.
The Homework Lab will meet daily in rooms 1094 & 1095. Students may come down after dismissal to work on their homework, complete group work, or get a little extra help. HW Lab is staffed by South paraprofessional staff, so they have a good sense of the curriculum and what teachers are looking for, so they can be a great help to the students who may have questions or need to check in and make sure they're on the right track! HW Lab starts on Monday, 9/30.
Mark your calendars!
- Thursday, 9/19, 6:30-8:00 PM - Back to School Night
- 6:00 PM - Gr.8 DC Trip Parent/Guardian Informational Meeting - Cafetorium
- 6:00 PM - Gr.5 What To Expect From Middle School - Media Center
- Mon 9/23 + Tue 9/24 - Gr.5 Field Trip & Team Days
- Tuesday, 9/24 - Concert Choir auditions - room 1086 - sign up in advance outside Chorus room 1086!
- Thursday, 9/26 - Early Dismissal @ 11:45 AM
- 7:30 AM - South Student Council Open Kickoff Meeting - Media Center
- South PTO Papa Gino's Dine Out - see attached flyer
- Monday, 9/30 - Late Bus begins
- 2:30 PM - HW Lab begins
- South Garden Club - informational meeting after dismissal - room 1058
- Tuesday, 10/1 - Concert Choir rehearsal
- Friday, 10/4 - Midterm 1
- 10:00-11:00 AM - Caretaker Coffee Hour: Anxiety Support Strategies - Media Center - RSVP here!
- Tuesday, 10/8, 7:00 PM - South PTO meeting - Media Center
- Monday, 10/14 - No School - Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples Day
- South PTO Dine Out at Bertucci's - flyer to follow
- Wednesday, 10/16 - Unity Day - wear ORANGE!
- Parent-Teacher Conferences - 4:30-7:00 PM - South MS
- Thursday, 10/17 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - 3:00-5:00 PM - South MS
- Tuesday, 10/22 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - 4:30-7:00 PM - Virtual
- Friday, 10/25 - October Festival of Motion - more information to follow
- Thursday, 10/31 - Early Dismissal @ 11:45 AM
- Monday, 11/4 - Gr.8 Field Trip
- Tuesday, 11/5 - No School - Election Day
- Thursday, 11/7 - Term 1 ends
- Monday, 11/11 - No School - Veterans Day
- Thursday, 11/14, 7:00 PM - South PTO meeting - Media Center
- Thursday, 11/21 - Early Dismissal @ 11:45 AM
- Wednesday, 11/27 - Early Dismissal @ 11:45 AM
- Thu 11/28 + Fri 11/29 - No School - Thanksgiving / Autumn Break
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