Tomorrow, Thursday 9/26, is the first Early Release Day of the new school year.
Dismissal is at 11:45 AM for middle schools.
- Students should plan to see all your Day 5 classes tomorrow, in half-hour periods. On all ER days at South, we follow the normal cycle day and use a shortened-block schedule so they'll see every class. (We will hold Kickoff Assemblies for each grade, so students may miss one or two blocks tomorrow, although that is not typical for ER days.)
- Bus students may elect to walk home or get a ride and the school does not need to be notified. However, please be aware that students may not switch buses or hop on a bus for one day. Drivers are only permitted to take students with the proper bus pass, even on early release days. Please do not ask for permission to change buses tomorrow!
- Preorder a Grab-N-Go lunch from the Cafeteria--order here!--and pick it up in the Main Office at dismissal, free of charge!
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