(1.) Term 2 ended on 1/26 (and semester 1: we're more than halfway through the school year!) and report cards were sent home on Friday, 2/3. Please be sure to sign and return one copy to homeroom teachers by Friday at the latest.
(2.) This Friday, 2/10, South's Student Council is hosting a dance. The Grade 6 dance is from 4-6 PM and Grade 7 & 8 is from 6:30-8:30 PM.- Tickets cost $5 and will be on sale Tuesday and Thursday before school and at lunch. Tickets will not be sold at the door, so be sure to purchase in advance! Most students purchase their own tickets for the dance. You do not need to be asked or to invite a date.
- Dress is casual neon
- Be sure to pick up students right at the end of the dance! Students may not leave early unless a parent/guardian comes into the lobby to sign you out.
- Refreshments will be available, so you may want to bring a few extra bucks (but not a ton of cash, please!)
(3.) We had a number of talented musicians audition this weekend for the Southeastern Massachusetts Bandmasters Association Festival (SEMSBA). Congratulations to all the Bulldogs who braved the extreme cold to complete an individual audition and vie for a spot among more than 30 other districts' vocalists and instrumentalists; you all amaze us with your skill and ambition! Shout out to four South musicians who scored high enough to perform in the Junior SEMSBA Festival in May.
(4.) South's Mathletes also faced the frigid blasts this weekend to compete against other middle schools' Math Teams. Our team placed 5th overall, which is tremendous! Our "once and future champ", Curtis, placed 5th and will advance to the statewide competition again this year. Impressive!
(5.) The greatest Valentine you could give your teachers this year would be tissues! Please have your child bring tissues to their homeroom teacher, or you can drop them off in the Main Office. If you'd prefer to have them shipped straight to South, we'll be happy to accept delivery! Our mailing address is 232 Peach St., Braintree, MA 02184. If you want a point-and-click option, here are some to pick from: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1VJ8XOJQVIDCR?ref_=wl_share! Thank you in advance for showing some love to the staff by helping us all keep our germs to ourselves!
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