School will reopen tomorrow, 10/15, after the long weekend, and it will be a Day 5.
Today, South PTO is hosting a Dine Out event at Bertucci's on Franklin St. Dine in or take out & support South!
Wednesday is Unity Day, an annual tradition at South. All members of the community are encouraged to wear orange & commit to stand up against bullying.
Parent-Teacher Conferences begin this week. Teachers or teams have posted sign-up opportunities. If you do not have concerns about a class, please do not feel obligated to sign up with every teacher. You can always email the teacher to open the line of communication if they have information for you.
- Your child's academics are visible online through the Aspen grading portal, but conferences are a good time to find out if there's more to the story. What's holding your child's grades back? Study skills, homework, a need to stay after for quick re-teaching? What are they doing really well? What should you be doing to support them at home? These are insights that make a conference useful, to be able to talk back-and-forth with your child's teachers.
- If your child is someone who struggles in classes, you'll want to sign up with their major subject teachers to hear what's going well, where they need to focus, and what you can do to support them. But please, also sign up for time with the teachers of special subjects, who often see our children in a different light than more traditional academic classes. As a parent, you'll want to hear about your child's creativity, energy, teamwork, social skills, peer support, and friendships!
- Teachers are under pressure to communicate quickly on conference days; don't be shy about asking about the things that matter most to you & your family! Conferences are also an opportunity for you to tell us what you most want us to know about your child. How is school going for them? What do you see & hear at home that they might not share at school? When is your child happiest, what are their goals, and what are your dreams for them?
The season is changing, which means the Lost & Found is overflowing with layers that are needed in the morning and long-forgotten by the afternoon! Please label clothes & outerwear, at least with your last name, so we can make an effort to get lost items back to their proper owners. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of the month, so remind your child to check the Lost & Found outside the Cafeteria for lost items.
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