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Showing posts from September, 2024

South Clubs getting started

Several Clubs and Extracurricular Activities are getting under way at South! This Tuesday, there were auditions for the Concert Choir. All students are invited to audition if you like to sing and perform (even if you don't take Chorus in school).   See  Ms. Ouellette  in the  Chorus room, 1086. Join the South Dance Club! Informational meeting after dismissal today in room 2044 (Ms. Chiles). See  Ms. Chiles ,  Ms. Littlewood , or  Ms. Cottam  with any questions. All students interested in joining the South Student Council should come to the kickoff meeting TOMORROW, this Thursday, 9/26, at 7:30 AM in the Media Center. That's before school, so you'll need to arrange for a ride and please come to the front door at the school's Main Entrance. Ambassadors Club is a great way to contribute to the school during the day. Informational meeting after dismissal next Monday, 9/30, in room 2070, Ms. Donovan's room. See Ms. Ricci ( melissa.ricci@braintreeschool...

Early Release - Thursday, 9/26

  Tomorrow, Thursday 9/26, is the first Early Release Day of the new school year. Dismissal is at 11:45 AM for middle schools. ​ Students should plan to see all your Day 5 classes tomorrow, in half-hour periods. On all ER days at South, we follow the normal cycle day and use a shortened-block schedule so they'll see every class. (We will hold Kickoff Assemblies for each grade, so students may miss one or two blocks tomorrow, although that is not typical for ER days.) Bus students may elect to walk home or get a ride and the school does  not  need to be notified. However, please be aware that  students may  not  switch buses or hop on a bus for one day.  Drivers are only permitted to take students with the proper bus pass, even on early release days. Please do not ask for permission to change buses tomorrow! Preorder a Grab-N-Go lunch from the Cafeteria-- order here! --and pick it up in the Main Office at dismissal, free of charge! Heading to Papa Gino'...

Lost, Forgotten, and more! Notes from South

  More tips from South's Survival Guide: LOST & FOUND Students lose items often, especially when seasons are changing and clothing needs change dramatically from 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM!  Please label all items with your child's name (or last name at least)  and we'll make every effort to return lost items to them!  There is a large Lost & Found in the front lobby outside the Cafeteria. Valuables are often kept in the Main Office and items left in the Gym will usually stay down in those cubbies for a few days before being brought up to the lobby. Check these places first if something goes missing! It's always best to check with your classroom teachers, as well as any teachers whose rooms are near your locker. If an item is turned in to the teacher, they'll usually keep it at the front of their classroom for a few days and then send it to the large Lost & Found. So,  retrace your steps  and if something isn't there one day, keep checking back ;  ...

Wednesday Woof from South - 9/18/2024

Sunday is the autumnal equinox, when the sun is directly over the equator and we'll experience equal amounts of day and night. With this astronomical milestone, we also have countless  cultural  signs that fall has fallen, not the least of which is the beginning of South's fall activities! Extracurriculars might not hold the same  cach é  as pumpkin spice, but they provide great opportunities for students to explore their interests, discover new passions, and get to know new people. There will be more clubs forming in the next few weeks, so keep your eyes out for activities that might be of interest. See some important dates below. EARLY DISMISSAL NEXT WEEK & DINE OUT! Next Thursday, 9/26 is the first Early Dismissal Day. Middle School dismissal is at 11:45 AM. Students will follow a shortened block schedule, so they will see all their Day 5 classes on that day. Students may order a Grab-N-Go lunch and pick it up in the Main Office at dismissal; breakfast will be...

Bulldog Bulletin - 9/16/2024

South's Back To School Night will be held this Thursday, 9/19, from 6:30-8:00pm.  Adult caregivers are invited to drop in any time that evening--"open house" style--to explore the school, meet your child's teachers, and learn about expectations for the year. Because every family has different obligations in the evenings, we set Back To School Night up as a drop-in format; teachers will not have a specific presentation or assigned time to talk with parents, but will be available to share their classroom curriculum & procedures and to answer any questions you might have. Come on by and get to know the people & places where your kid is spending so many waking hours!  Make sure you know your child's teachers!  PRO TIP: Take a picture of their schedule so you'll have the teachers' names & room numbers on your phone! There will be 2 optional meetings  before  Back-To-School-Night. Grade 8 Washington DC Trip Informational Night  - 6pm @ South Cafetori...

Caretaker Coffee Hour at South MS - Friday, October 4

Mark your calendars! Our School Psychologists are planning a few opportunities throughout the year to visit and learn a bit more about different topics impacting your teenaged and preteen child(ren). The first Caretaker Coffee Hour will be held on Friday, 10/4, at 10 AM.  Walk-ins are welcome, but if you know you're planning to attend, kindly  RSVP here , so we can plan accordingly.

Bulldog Bulletin - Sunday, 9/8/2024

In the coming weeks, I'll send out messages a couple times per week, each with just a few notes covering different aspects of life at South. The hope is that I won't overwhelm everyone by sending too much at once, but hopefully will be giving you information you'll need, and can refer back to later as needed.  We have enjoyed getting to know our new students and marvelling at the growth and maturity our returning students are showing after just a few months away! Hopefully students are getting familiar with their new lock combinations, have all the supplies they'll need for their new classes, and completed all their homework--including  summer assignments !--to start the school week off on the right foot! An essential Sunday routine is this: make sure your chromebook is charged up tonight and ready to go in the morning!  Tomorrow, Monday 9/9, is a Day 4 at South.  This means students will have all their major subject classes and will meet their new half-cycle teacher...

Getting ready for the first day of school 2024!

We can’t wait to see all our South Bulldogs at school tomorrow morning! Classrooms are being made comfortable and welcoming, teachers are setting up lessons and seating charts, and summer shipments are being distributed across the building. There is a buzz of excitement and eager anticipation throughout South! Student schedules will be viewable on Aspen later today for those who are curious. All student schedules will be provided tomorrow morning during an extended homeroom session.  Students can see their Guidance Counselor for any schedule issues.  At this time, s tudents can find their homeroom on ParentSquare.  5th grade homeroom teachers will meet their students in the Cafeteria tomorrow morning after arrival, to lead students to their classroom. GETTING TO & FROM SCHOOL Student arrival begins at 7:40 AM and students must be in homeroom by 8:02 AM. 7th & 8th graders report to the large Gym and 5th & 6th graders report to the small Gym daily.  TOMORRO...