Teachers assembled at South today for opening meetings and put the finishing touches on their classrooms while planning for the year ahead. We are so excited to have students arrive tomorrow!
- All bus riders should have received assignments by now. Bus passes will be handed out during the school day tomorrow and are students' "ticket to ride" for the afternoon, so make sure all accounts are paid!
- Students getting dropped off in the morning will come in the front door. Drivers: follow the yellow arrow below to come in our main driveway. At dropoff, pull all the way down to the end of the sidewalk in front of the building. Please be considerate of the other drivers while we all get used to the new driveway.
- Do NOT follow the blue arrow; the old building's driveway will be closed all year.
- Do NOT follow the orange, purple, or red arrows. The lower driveway loop is only for buses during the school day.
- Teachers will direct students as they arrive.
- 5th grade students will report directly to the Cafeteria
- 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students will report to the Gymnasium
- Homeroom teachers will meet students at these locations and bring everyone up to classrooms. Don't worry if you don't know who your teacher is or how to get around the building!
- Walkers and bikers should use crosswalks. Bikers must wear a fastened helmet.
School Supplies
Students are not expected to have all supplies for the first day. At a minimum, bring something to write with (like a pencil) and something to write on (like a notebook). Teachers will assign locks and lockers in homeroom. You should also bring your BYOD device (chromebook, laptop, etc.) fully charged. Pack a charger too, just in case!
Students are allowed to use backpacks for bringing materials to and from classes, and will also use lockers so they don't have to carry everything all day long. Teachers will help plan for this!
The PTO Kickoff meeting will be be Thursday, 9/28, at 7pm in the South Cafeteria. Follow the South PTO page on Facebook and sign up for emails at southmiddle.pto@gmail.com. We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, so you will have the opportunity to make tax-deductible donations this year!
Dress Code
Please see the attached dress code to help with fashion selections throughout the year.
We're excited to start the school year off on the right foot in our new school building! See you in the morning!
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