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Wednesday Woof from the South Bulldogs


South Middle School conducted a Lockdown Drill this morning, in accordance with the Braintree Public Schools’ districtwide procedures for lockdowns and other security measures. These drills are carried out in order to practice our procedures for keeping the students and staff safe and secure in the event of a dangerous incident at school.

South’s staff introduces security procedures with all students at the beginning of each school year, and then we review these procedures periodically so that students will know what to do in the event of a security announcement. Today’s drill lasted approximately 10 minutes while school staff and Braintree Police checked that the classrooms and school facility were secure. After that time, classrooms were unlocked and we returned to the regular schedule.​ 

If you have any questions or concerns relating to this drill, please do not hesitate to contact the school at (781) 380-0160. We remain ever grateful for the support of the Braintree Police Department and our students & staff, as well as their families and the community, as we all work together to keep our kids safe and secure while they are at school!

Some important upcoming events:
Wednesday, 11/2 (TONIGHT!); 5:30-7:30 PM - Blue Hills Regional Technical High School Open House -Check out the Blue Hills programs and see if you'd like to apply for high school there
Monday, 11/7 - Picture Retake Day (see below)
Tuesday, 11/8 - No School - Election Day - Teachers will be in meetings all day, but don't miss out on the South PTO Bake Sale here at South!
Thursday, 11/10 - End of Term 1 - students should see their teachers about making up any missing assignments
               - Dine Out at Jake N Joes to support South PTO (see below)
Friday, 11/11 - No School - Veterans Day

If you missed School Picture Day in September, or if you would like your portrait re-shot, come to Picture Retake Day on Monday, 11/7Don't forget to order your school portraits from Hayward Photography if you haven't already done so!

We love "dine out" style fundraisers because it's zero cost to our families, you don't have to do anything "extra", and it's a great excuse for a night out or to grab some takeout. 
On Thursday, 11/10, before the long weekend, Jake N Joes in Braintree will reward South PTO with 20% of any receipt if you tell them you're supporting South. That includes take out orders, food in the restaurant, and even the bar tab for any adult beverages you may choose to order. That's a great benefit to the PTO, so tell your friends and family to meet you at Jake-N-Joes to start the long weekend off right!

Our Music department is looking for parents/families who want to be involved and support the Music program here at South and in the district. There are many ways you can be involved such as chaperoning events, ushering at concerts and plays, or helping with communications and publicity for the department to name a few. If you are interested in being involved in some way, please fill out the survey below. We would really appreciate it. Thanks for all you do for our kids and the community!
Music Booster Support Survey

Any 7th or 8th grader who's thinking of trying out for the South Basketball team, make sure you have completed the ImPACT Baseline testing that's required for all student athletes to keep you safe in the event of a concussion. Here's the ImPACT information from the BPS Athletics Trainer: Here's some more general information about BPS Athletics sent from the Athletic Director: note: ImPACT Baseline testing must be completed before trying out and cannot be put off until a pupil sees whether or not they make the team.

Blue Hills Regional Technical High School introduced their program of studies to all 8th graders in October. This public school has over 17 vocational programs in addition to a fully-accredited academic program. Students can graduate with the skills they need to succeed in college or directly entering the workforce. They are hosting an Open House this evening at their Canton campus from 5:30-7:30 PM if you'd like to check out their programs in person. Students will also have an opportunity to observe the life of a BHR student during the school day on 11/22 by attending the Showcase. You must register on the website for the Showcase and begin an application for admission in order to be eligible to attend the Showcase. Speak to your Guidance Counselor if you have any questions.
Grade 8 students will also have an opportunity to hear about the Norfolk County Agricultural School in an assembly on 11/23 during the half day. Check out their website for more information about this public vocational agricultural school and see your Guidance Counselor with any questions.

Don't forget the South PTO Bake Sale on Election Day at South! Ways to contribute:
Report cards for Term 1 will be sent home on Friday, 11/18.
South’s Parent-Teacher conferences have been scheduled for:
  • Tuesday, November 29, 4:30-7:00, Virtual
  • Thursday, December 1, 4:30-7:00, In Person 
  • Monday, December 5, 3:30-6:00, Virtual
Each conference will be scheduled for seven minutes and will focus on your child's academic progress to date. 

South Cares About the Success of Every Student!
    • South’s afterschool Homework Lab meets Monday through Thursday in the Media Center until 3:15. If you have work to do or need to use a computer, feel free to come in at dismissal. You do not need to sign up in advance. Come as often as you need to: one day, every once in a while, or every day!
    • The Late Bus is available to any bus rider who stays after for extra help or HW Lab. The bell rings at 3:10 PM, and anyone planning to catch the late bus should be out front by 3:15. You will need a regular bus pass and a late bus pass signed & dated by the teacher you stayed with.
    • Students who regularly take a bus are welcome to take the Late Bus home if you stay after for extra help with a teacher or for the Homework Club in the Media Center. You will need a bus pass from your teacher to board the late bus. Late Buses leave South between 3:15 to 3:30, Monday through Thursday.
    • Every teacher has a weekday they stay after school. Students planning to stay for extra help should check in with the teacher to make sure their schedule hasn’t changed and to let them know you’ll be coming by.
If your child has to be absent from school, come late, or leave early, please let us know so we’re not concerned! Call the Main Office line – 781-380-0160 – and dial “1” to leave us a message. If you’ve gone to a medical appointment, please request a note from the doctor’s office or have them fax it to us: 781-356-0657. Notes written by parents/guardians can help explain a student’s absence, but will not excuse it – only a letter from a professional office can medically excuse absences.



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