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The Woof - December 7th


Tonight we wrap up our Winter Concerts with the 6th grade Choral Concert at 7:00 PM. If you haven’t already seen it, check out last week’s Instrumental Concert on the BCAM YouTube channel: was an amazing night! Choral concerts are also being recorded for broadcast, so family members who cannot attend in person--or aren’t comfortable doing so with the lack of social distancing in our Auditorium--can still enjoy the performances and support our students. Thank you!

The Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball seasons kick off tomorrow with a game at East. Everyone is invited to rally the teams by decking out in Red & White to show your Bulldog Pride!

  • This is the final week for Student Council’s Winter Wear Drive. Donations of new hats, mittens, gloves, and scarves can be dropped in the Main Lobby at South. Keep our community warm & healthy!
  • Student Council invites all students to wear Pajamas on Friday and bring in a dollar donation (or more) to raise funds for the Winter Carnival they are organizing for February. Be cozy and support future fun!

The next PTO meeting will be held tomorrow night, Wednesday 12/8, at 7pm in our Cafeteria. Masks are required at all school-related functions.

Dismissal will be at 11:45 AM at South this Thursday. Students will follow a shortened Day 4 schedule, so they will see all of their classes. Students can order a Grab-and-Go lunch for free from our cafeteria using this link. Bag lunches will be picked up in the Main Office at dismissal time.

Order your copy of the Yearbook today! $30 at

  • Wednesday, 12/8 - South basketball vs. East
    • 7:00 PM - PTO meeting (South cafeteria)
  • Thursday, 12/9; 11:45 AM - Early Dismissal for teacher professional development
  • Tuesday, 12/14 - Midterm 2
  • Thursday, 12/16 - South basketball @ home (opponent TBD)
  • Wednesday, 12/22 - South basketball @ home (opponent TBD)
  • Friday, 12/24-Sunday, 1/2/2022 - Winter Break
  • Wednesday, 1/5 - South basketball @ home vs. East
  • Thursday, 1/13 - South basketball @ home vs. Milton
  • Monday, 1/17 - No School - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Thursday, 1/20 - South basketball @ home vs. Weymouth
  • Monday, 1/24 - South basketball Jamboree vs. East @ Braintree High School
  • Tuesday, 1/25; 11:45 AM - Early Dismissal for teacher professional development
    • End of Term 2 / End of Semester 1
Further dates available on district calendar.

Follow South on Twitter: @SMSBraintree
Follow South on Instagram: SMSBraintree
"Like" the South PTO page on Facebook, and email to get on their mailing list!
* Anytime you are purchasing books, please consider using South’s affiliate links to raise funds for school & Media Center book purchases, and to support local, independent booksellers and South!
Don’t forget to check the Braintree Schools’ Community Events page for information about goings-on around town.

Concerned about Domestic Violence or Dating Violence?
Anyone who has concerns about domestic violence or dating violence is welcome to reach out to South’s guidance department for support. Massachusetts also has a Domestic Violence Hotline at 877-785-2020 called SafeLink. SafeLink is Massachusetts’ statewide 24/7 toll-free domestic violence hotline and a resource for anyone affected by domestic or dating violence. It is OK to call SafeLink if you just need to talk about your situation (or someone else’s); you do not need to be looking for services or a shelter space.
The SafeLink toll-free number is (877) 785-2020.  Advocates are bilingual in English and Spanish and have access to a service that can provide translation in more than 130 languages. People who are Deaf and hard of hearing can reach SafeLink through the Mass Relay service by dialing 711 in Massachusetts.


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