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Wondering how to support South this holiday season or any time?

We're always looking for opportunities to earn a little extra money to pay for supplies at South Middle School, and the ideal programs earn commissions at no additional cost to you, our community of supporters! 
If you prefer to support local booksellers, use South's link to purchase books. This organization supports local booksellers as well as nonprofits, and we're pleased to be part of their Associates program, so our community can support South without any additional cost on the price of your purchases!

Box Tops for Education
The Box Tops program no longer requires you to clip and collect paper Box Tops. Instead, you can download the app on your cellphone and scan your receipt after any grocery shopping trip.  I've also found it's worth scanning my receipt after a trip to most pharmacies and "big box" department stores, just in case! You'll find out immediately if any of your purchases qualify for a commission for South, and those cents add up quickly!  All proceeds go to South PTO.

Benefit Mobile
This last one is a little more to set up, but once it's done it's simple to use and incredibly rewarding! I complete at least 80% of my purchases using Benefit Mobile gift cards, and earn commissions for South at no extra cost to me every time! It's a smartphone app that allows you to buy digital "gift cards" to complete your purchase, at the register or online.
  • I go to Target, Walmart, Amazon, CVS, etc. and shop like usual. When the cashier rings it all up, I purchase a digital gift card for that exact amount, then show the UPC code to the cashier to scan-and voila!-we've all earned something!
  • I purchase a $100 gift card to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks whenever I need to re-charge my app, enter the card number & pin, and then I use the store's app like usual. Every purchase I make has earned South 2.5%-5%!
  • Whenever I'm making a bigger purchase, I check the Benefit Mobile app to see if the store is on there. Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowes, Bed Bath & Beyond, Wayfair, and more are on there! If I'm buying an appliance, furniture, etc. I may not be able to cover the full cost, but I can max out the gift card purchase and then use a second payment method for the balance.
  • There are tons of restaurants on Benefit Mobile too, so whether you're grabbing lunch at a fast food chain like Panera or Taco Bell, or sitting down for a family meal at California Pizza Kitchen, Chili's, or Legal Sea Foods, you can earn a little extra (up to 8%!) for South.
Use this QR code to download the app and set up your account today! Search by our zip code 02184 to select South Middle School as your Beneficiary. 

Thank you for supporting South!

PLEASE NOTE: Amazon Associates information has been removed. Apparently, their bots don't like our website or ParentSquare because it's directed to our families and isn't accessible to everyone on the web. I tried appealing, but the corporate overlords decided not to bend their policy for little old South! If purchasing through Amazon, the best way to support South will be to purchase virtual gift cards through Benefit and then upload them to your account.


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