January is always a busy time in the life of a middle school. It's a long month and everyone's spending more time indoors, so teachers find they can really get into a lot of material in these weeks. It's important to stay healthy and try to stay caught up on all classwork so nobody falls behind! To that end, we're hearing a lot of sniffles and coughs in classrooms and teachers are desperate for supplies for healthy classrooms.
(1.) Please consider sending your child in with a box of tissues for the classroom. (Older grades are running very low on tissues right now, possibly because teens simply will not be seen carrying the boxes in??) You can order online and have them shipped straight to us at 220 Peach St, Braintree, MA 02184 from your wholesale club of choice or use our Amazon wishlist to make it easy! If you can, add a note for which student or teacher/s they should go to. Any without a name will go to the Nurses, who need tissues, too!
(2.) This Wednesday, there will be an informational meeting for any students interested in a role behind the scenes with the Spring Musical. See Mr. Puglisi or Ms. Proulx with any questions.(3.) Next Tuesday, 1/23, is an early release day for teacher workshops. Dismissal will be at 11:45am for middle schools and students can preorder a Grab-N-Go lunch for free to take at dismissal.
Looking for a fun activity with your long afternoon on 1/23?? Go to Altitude and support the South PTO! On 1/23 only, you can present the attached flyer and let them know you're supporting South. Your admission will cost the same, but a portion of the proceeds will go to the South PTO. Bounce for a good cause!
(4.) This Saturday, 1/20, is the first annual Ski & Snowboard Trip to Pat's Peak in New Hampshire. Students in grades 6-8 can see Mr. Boynton if you're interested in registering. He will have a "final details" informational meeting later this week to make sure everyone who's registered knows what to do on Saturday!
(5.) Last Monday, the Braintree School Committee voted to approve the attached calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. Note that there is an early release on the final Thursday of each month to allow more time for teacher workshops. Prepare now for this new routine!
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