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Showing posts from September, 2023

Bulldog Bulletin - South Cinco

Shana Tova Umetuka  to our Bulldogs celebrating Rosh Hashanah this weekend!  (1.) AFTERSCHOOL HELP Late Bus The Late Bus will start at South tomorrow. Students who currently take a bus (you'll need a bus pass to board the late bus) are eligible to take one of the late buses that will arrive between 3:15-3:30, Monday through Thursday. It may not be your typical bus & it won't bring you to your regular bus stop, but you'll tell the driver your home address (or regular stop) and they will bring you within close distance to your house.  Homework Lab Every afternoon, Monday through Thursday, students are welcome to stay in the Homework Lab in South's Media Center. HW Lab is staffed by South paraprofessionals, so it's a great opportunity to get a little extra help; ask any questions you may have; or simply have a quiet, supervised space to do some homework before heading home. Students do  not  need to sign up in advance and they can drop in anytime by 2:35pm. Stu...

Bulldog Bulletin - South Sunday Night News

Tomorrow is a  Day 4  at South Middle School. This means students will be meeting some of their half-cycle course teachers for the first time. All majors will meet as usual, while our 5th and 6th graders are getting used to the middle school schedule rotation. (I will send out a digital  Days of the Cycle  calendar later this week; the paper-based version is attached on ParentSquare.)  SCHOOL PHOTOS - Friday, September 15 In ParentSquare, please find the order form for South Middle School’s Picture Day scheduled for Friday, September 15th 2023 during the school day. All the instructions are on the form, as well as the pre-order school code.  ONLINE ORDERS ARE PREFERRED AND STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.  No forms need to be returned by parents/guardians.  The preorder option will be available through Wednesday, September 20th at 8:00am.  All print orders will be mailed directly to the home addresses provided at checkout. If parents do not order by the...

One day in...

As I walked into the school yesterday morning, ready to start a bright new year and really start making the new building into  the  South Middle School, I was greeted by a sunrise that could only presage good days ahead.  It was so wonderful to have students in the building yesterday, introducing themselves & going on tours, moving into lockers, and walking through their schedule.  Follow South Middle School @SMSBraintree on   Twitter  and   Instagram  to see memories throughout the year! TRAFFIC: What we learned We learned a lot with our first drop-off in the front driveway loop! There is space for 2 lanes.  Students can  only  unload from the right lane onto the sidewalk. After unloading, cars may pull into the left lane and proceed  slowly  and  cautiously  forward;  always  check over your left shoulder before pulling away from the curb. Staff are also driving through the left lane at this time....

South grand opening - Wednesday, September 6th!

Teachers assembled at South today for opening meetings and put the finishing touches on their classrooms while planning for the year ahead. We are so excited to have students arrive tomorrow! All bus riders should have received assignments by now. Bus passes will be handed out during the school day tomorrow and are students' "ticket to ride" for the afternoon, so make sure all accounts are paid! Students getting dropped off in the morning will come in the front door. Drivers: follow the yellow arrow below to come in our main driveway. At dropoff, pull all the way down to the end of the sidewalk in front of the building. Please be considerate of the other drivers while we all get used to the new driveway.  Do NOT follow the blue arrow; the old building's driveway will be closed all year.   Do NOT follow the orange, purple, or red arrows. The lower driveway loop is  only  for buses during the school day. Teachers will direct students as they arrive. 5th grade students ...