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South Cinco - Thursday, 10/13

(1.)  BASHY and the Partnership are bringing "Taylor's Message" to Braintree High tonight at 6:30pm-8:00. 

highly recommend parents make time to come hear this very impactful story as you prepare for your kids' move through middle school and into the real pressures and challenges of teenagerhood and high school. (Older/mature students may be prepared to attend, but it's not recommended for most middle school students due to the content, which can be very emotional. High school aged kids are welcome to join adults.) All caring adults are invited! If you sign in and let them know you've got a middle school aged child at home, you'll be able to pick up a homework pass for your Braintree middle schooler... that should sweeten the pot a bit! Please, tell your neighbors, friends from other towns or private schools: this message should be heard by everyone who knows and loves a teenager or preteen.

(2.)  SOUTH PTO 
  • Kickoff meeting was earlier this month: minutes posted below
  • Next meeting: next Tuesday, 10/18, 7pm - learn about the South Gear holiday sale, the Election Day Bake Sale, and other projects this year!
  • An easy "dine out"-style fundraiser is coming up: on Wednesday, 10/26, we have an Early Release Day. Bring your kids or a whole group to Altitude jump park & let them know you're supporting South. They will donate 20% of all admissions that have been "flagged" for our PTO!
  • Check out the PTO Facebook page. Send any questions or comments to

Last Friday was the first term midterm. Make sure to log in to Aspen to check your child's grades and ensure there's no missing work. All grades will be up-to-date with current work by tomorrow at the latest. Email with any login issues. Contact your child's Guidance Counselor with any questions or concerns about their progress. 

  • Next week is a big week at South!
    • Tuesday, 10/18; 7:00 PM - PTO meeting in the Cafeteria
    • Wednesday, 10/19 - Unity Day - all students & staff are invited to wear orange to show that they'll stand up against bullying!
    • Friday, 10/21 - October Festival of Motion - make sure you're sending your OFM donations to the homeroom teachers! The goal is for every student to contribute something, even if it's only a small amount. Keep sharing your Snap! Raise profile, too! Those who raise more funds are eligible for more prizes!
  • Looking ahead:
    • Wednesday, 10/26 - Early dismissal @ 11:45 AM - Go to Altitude & support South PTO!
    • Monday, 10/31 - Deadline for 8th graders to register to attend the Washington, D.C. trip in March
    • Thursday, 11/3 - Grade 8 Field Trip to Boston - Please fill out your child's permission slip if you haven't already done so!
    • Tuesday, 11/8 - No School - Election Day - bring your kids to the polling station and talk to them about the importance of voting to make your voice heard!
    • Friday, 11/11 - No School - Veterans Day - If you're looking for an event to honor our nation's veterans with your family, the Braintree High Concert Choir will be performing at the Veterans Memorial Ceremony at Braintree Town Hall, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM.
    • Saturday, 11/12 - 2nd annual 5k for Laurie's Love of Life in memory of South's former school nurse and past BPS Nursing Director Laurie Melchionda (see attachment)
  • Future planning:
    • Parent-Teacher Conferences - sign up information will be shared in November
      • Tuesday, 11/29 - Virtual - 4:30-7:00 PM

      • Thursday, 12/1 - In-person - 4:30-7:00 PM

      • Monday, 12/5 - Virtual - 3:30-6:00 PM

    • MCAS testing dates - please note, these dates are subject to change, but will likely be as follows at the middle schools:

      • 4/5, 4/6  —  Gr. 6 ELA

      • 4/10, 4/11  —  Gr. 7 ELA

      • 4/12, 4/13  —  Gr. 8 ELA

      • 5/5, 5/8  —  Gr. 6 Math

      • 5/9, 5/10  —  Gr. 7 Math

      • 5/11, 5/12  —  Gr. 8 Math

      • 5/22, 5/23  —  Gr. 8 Science

To the extent possible, please schedule appointments, travel, and family obligations away from these testing dates (testing is typically completed by lunch block, if that helps coordinate plans). 

The District is aware that testing occurs during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when several of our students are fasting, often for the first time, and participating in religious services and family events in the evenings. Unfortunately, the Commonwealth gives us a window of possible testing dates each year, and it is not possible for us to schedule all MCAS exams for all tested grades outside the dates of religious observance.

Middle school is a great time to try out new activities, develop known skills and areas of interest, and branch out to develop new friendships. Extracurricular activities are an amazing opportunity to do all that! See what's available at South, and let us know if there's a club or activity that your child would like to see at South; we'll see if there's a staff member available to serve as advisor! FALL 2022 EXTRACURRICULAR CLUBS & ACTIVITIES  Stay tuned for new offerings as the year moves forward!


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