You may have noticed that ParentSquare was adjusted over the summer to automatically "digest" messages and deliver them in bulk at the end of the day. Many of you are probably happy about that! Many prefer to receive messages when they are sent, at least through one of the delivery methods (email, text, or app) in case there was a timely message you wouldn't want to miss. If so, you can easily adjust your notification settings.
In the upper right corner of your browser window, click on your name and select "My Account" in the dropdown menu
Then, on the left hand side of the browser window, click on "Notification Settings"
Finally, select when you want each method to notify you. Maybe you like the email digest, but you'd want the text or app to alert you right away.
Maybe you've wanted to shut off one of these methods; now you can! Please be aware, ParentSquare is our primary method of contacting students and families, so you will want to set up your notifications in whatever way will make you least likely to miss any important announcements. You don't want to be that family who sends their child to school on a snow day! Download the app here.
Please contact our Main Office with any questions by email or by calling 781-380-0160.
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