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South 5/12/2020 - Optional Live Videoconferencing in RLP

Good evening,

Following up on the Superintendent’s recent email about opportunities for students to videoconference with their teachers "live," I wanted to share what that will entail at middle school. First and foremost, it is important to understand that we are piloting this program with the ambition of improving students’ instructional and social opportunities in spite of the school closure. Everything will be evaluated to improve the Remote Learning Program as we go.
  1. Participation is voluntary. No student will be graded on the basis of whether they participate or not. Teachers may email students and/or guardians to recommend an appointment to clarify things, but the family may always choose to decline the offer. By the same token, not all teachers will be offering live videoconferencing support. Anyone who has questions or concerns about what their teacher is offering, please email me so we can discuss solutions. 
  2. Live videoconferencing is intended to offer support for students, and will not be the primary mode of instruction. Teachers will be scheduling “office hours” where students can ask questions and get extra help. Some teachers will allow students to sign up in advance, others will let kids “drop in” as needed, and some may invite individual students or small groups to tune in at a specific time so they can help with some shared questions or struggles. Teachers will not be conducting “virtual class” where students are expected or required to join at a specific time in order to learn the material.
  3. Student safety is prime. The tenets of our Code of Conduct will apply to all digital interactions within the school’s networked resources, with a focus on being RESPECTFUL and acting RESPONSIBLY.
    1. Students are expected to be respectful & courteous. Students must be respectful toward staff & peers at all times. This applies to spoken language, written language, and videos/images displayed. Participation is a privilege.
    2. Students are expected to be cooperative. Disruptions will not be tolerated, and nobody should interfere with the proceedings of the videoconference through technological or other means. We have work to do.
    3. No video/images of the videoconferences may be recorded or shared. No student, parent/guardian, etc. may take a picture or video of a videoconference. No information, images, or videos of a videoconference may ever be shared, posted, or sent through social media, text, email, etc.  NOTE: Teachers may choose to record a videoconference in order to keep a record of the session, but (1.) they will inform all participants when they are recording, and (2.) they will not post or use that video anywhere outside of the school system’s internal network.
    4. School-appropriate clothing is required. Tops, bottoms: everything must be covered, and no inappropriate messages on your t-shirts. If you wouldn’t show up to school in it, please change before your videoconference. [...Ahem.]
  4. All live videoconferences will be conducted through Google Meet. Zoom, Skype, etc. will not be used, as Meet is compatible with the Google Classroom platform used for distributing RLP assignments, and the G-Suite apps students use to complete their work. Students will need to be logged into their school-issued Google accounts (“”) in order to join & participate in videoconferences. Google Meet is also available as an app, so you can join from a variety of devices.
  5. You may choose to be “audio only in the videoconference. Using a camera is optional for students and staff. A teacher may ask students to shut off their cameras, but they will not require kids to use cameras. During the Meet session, it is helpful to “mute” your microphone when you’re not speaking, to prevent background noise from interrupting others.
By exploring the use of live videoconferencing, the faculty is hoping to add a tool to our instructional toolbelt within the Remote Learning Program. This is not expected to be the “silver hammer”* that solves all the issues of “remote learning,” but we are hoping it will help students to get more actionable information from their teachers. If the current means of communicating are working fine for you, please feel free to continue doing what you’re doing! We are hoping that live interaction with teachers and classmates will make it easier to learn the material and get answers to your questions. It will also be a nice opportunity to socialize, see each other, and catch up a little!

Some teachers may begin scheduling Office Hours as early as this week. You may receive an email, or it may be posted in their Classroom. Teachers will send a unique link to their Google Meet. You can click that link or cut-and-paste it into your browser to attend the videoconference. You will have an opportunity to shut off your camera and microphone before clicking “Join” to start participating in the Google Meet session.  If you need additional support to access the Google Meet sessions, please let me know.

Teachers have been working with their Curriculum Director to determine the most effective way to offer live videoconference support. With this pilot, different teachers/classes may be using different approaches, and please do not expect invitations from every teacher. Those who are offering this are the “early adopters” so please be patient while we work out any “kinks” in the system! If you have constructive feedback, please feel free to email suggestions to the teacher or to me, along with any praise for the things they are doing well!

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me so we can discuss solutions. If any student is concerned they are being treated unfairly or disrespectfully before/during/after a videoconference, please contact Mr. Rainie, Ms. Pags, or your guidance counselor.

With all best wishes,
Damon Rainie

* If you didn’t follow that cultural reference, then I regret to inform you that you are not taking full advantage of this opportunity to introduce your children to the Beatles. You have them captive at home: the moment is ripe to build their appreciation for real music! [Gauntlet: thrown]


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