As we prepare the new building to welcome our first group of 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders into the expanded South Middle School, there are some important reminders and new announcements. UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS BOOK The new South Middle School's mailing address is 220 Peach St. (not 232 any longer). The phone number is the same (781-380-0160). FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Students will report to the new South Middle School building on Wednesday, September 6 th . Homeroom starts at 8:02 AM, but everyone will want to make sure they arrive by 7:50 AM to get settled. Homerooms and schedules will be distributed on the first day. Dismissal is at 2:25 PM. GETTING TO SCHOOL Bus routes were sent out this week. Check your bus assignment, bus stop, and time carefully, as many routes changed this year to improve efficiency. If you did not receive a bus route but intend to ride a bus to school (and are eligible), make sure you have registered and paid. Se...
News, announcements, and upcoming events for the South Middle School community in Braintree.