What do you remember most from middle school? Middle school was a lot different when we were kids, no matter what generation you were growing up in: Late practices in the warming weather; the smell of the grass in that first baseball game of the season. School dances; awkwardly approaching your crush to ask for a dance, your friends and theirs standing around you in a circle, hooting and hollering. Putting off homework while you talked to your friends on the phone--always keeping one ear open for the click if someone picked up the phone in another room. Passing notes in class. Doodling all over your papers and binders with flowers, spiky "S"s, and 3D boxes. What do these memories all have in common? Nobody had a smartphone to take your picture at that school dance & post it later. No alerts and buzzes in your pocket drew you away from the moment on the ballfield. To call your friend, you had to call their house and ask a parent if they were...
1. SOUTH PTO The March meeting of the South PTO is this Thursday, 3/13 @ 7pm. See attached agenda. 2. MARCH MADNESS We are going to try something new this year and have a March Madness 3v3 Tourney here at South. It will be a single-elimination, bracket-style tournament with 5th and 6th graders matched up, and 7th & 8th. The tourney will be held on Tuesday, 3/18, after school in the Gym. Money raised will go to South's PTO. See Ms. Ricketts with any questions or to register your team. All forms and registration must be submitted directly to her in room 1045 since this event is first come first serve. No forms will be accepted without payment. 3. PARENT DISCUSSION GROUP: The Anxious Generation - THURSDAY, 3/20 The final meeting of The Anxious Generation book club has been moved to Thursday, 3/20 to allow more people to join the conversation. In the final meeting, we will talk about what we...